The best type of braces for adults

Whether you are an adult who wants to improve your oral health or make cosmetic changes to your smile, orthodontic work can upgrade your quality of life. Mental, physical, and oral well-being is all tied to your smile’s ability to function and give a beautiful impression. McGrory Orthodontics is honored to be trusted with that responsibility, and we want to help you get started by sharing with you the best type of braces for adults!


Clear aligners have grown in popularity as people’s desire for a less noticeable braces option increases. Invisalign is the leading in-office clear aligner brand and for good reason! The company uses top-of-the-line technology to create custom trays for every patient. 

The customized design gives patients a comfortable fit that is so snug that most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them! Another advantage is their removability! Because the trays can and should be taken out for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene, you can stick to your regular diet and hygiene routine! The only change you’ll need to make is to remember to clean the aligners daily.

With that removability comes more responsibility, however. You must be sure you can wear the aligners for twenty-two hours a day, keep up with them when you’re not wearing them, and keep them clean. Neglecting to wear or maintain your trays will negatively impact your experience and prolong your treatment time.

Invisalign is ideal for patients with mild to medium bite needs.

Metal braces

Metal braces use brackets made of stainless steel, nickel, and other strong metals that can easily withstand daily life and activities. Their strength and the control they offer our orthodontists make them the perfect tool for even severe orthodontic matters. After we bend your wire to your ideal shape, it is attached to the brackets using ligatures (small elastics). 

These braces are fixed appliances, which means they are glued to your teeth and require you to alter your diet and oral hygiene routine. At first, these changes can seem like a big obstacle, but most people quickly and easily adjust. The modifications are only temporary, and we promise it’s worth it! Proper care keeps your braces in their best condition and maintains oral health; both are important to having a successful treatment at a faster pace!

Metal braces are fantastic for all bite alignment needs and are ideal for those who desire faster care and need a durable appliance without the hassle of removability.

Clear braces

Almost identical to their metal predecessor. The only difference is that instead of metal brackets, they use ceramic ones! This material allows them to be tooth-colored. When paired with matching ligatures, they create the illusion of clear braces! 

Though “ceramic” could sound fragile, your ceramic braces are anything but! Clear braces can improve even the most complex alignment issues! However, because clear braces cannot handle as intense wire tightenings as their metal ancestor, you might experience an extended treatment period than metal braces to achieve the same result. They also call for you to be stricter with your diet because the brackets can chip if you are not careful. 

The polycrystalline ceramic materials in the brackets are stain-resistant. The only discoloration you might see is in your ligatures, but you shouldn’t worry too much about that because we change your elastics frequently.

Clear braces are an excellent, aesthetically pleasing option for adults who desire a fixed orthodontic appliance but don’t like the look of metal braces.

Things to consider when deciding

Which braces are best for you depends on the severity of your alignment needs and your daily routine. To help you choose, you should consider the following:

  1. Would you prefer if your braces are fixed or removable?
  2. Can you handle the responsibility of removable braces? 
  3. Can you adjust your diet and oral hygiene routine to accommodate fixed braces?
  4. Do you want your braces to be less noticeable to others?
  5. Do you need a heavy-duty option?
  6. Would you like the treatment to finish as soon as possible?

For the most beneficial and pleasant experience, carefully research your options and realistically think about applying them to your lifestyle. If you don’t want the responsibility of removable braces and you know you can change your diet accordingly, fixed braces are likely best for you! If you are a foodie and keeping up with removable braces does not sound daunting, you might be an excellent fit for Invisalign trays! 

The Best Type of Braces For Adults

Visit McGrory Orthodontics to discover which you qualify for

Becoming an orthodontic patient as an adult can be daunting, and all the options can be intimidating! Fortunately, you have the entirety of McGrory Orthodontics in your corner, rooting for you! We are here to help before, during, and after treatment to maximize your possibility of success.

Contact our Pearland or Bellaire office to schedule your free consultation to get started. The appointment is commitment-free, so you can receive professional insight into your oral health without feeling pressured to start treatment immediately.